A variety of methods can be used to secure your data. One of the most important of these methods is regular backups.
Your data is the lifeblood of your organization. Making sure it is available and safe from attack is of utmost importance. International Data Protection standards have been developed and are being put in place as international guidelines and sometimes as international laws.
Data protection is the process of safeguarding important information from corruption, compromise or loss.
The importance of data protection increases as the amount of data created and stored continues to grow at unprecedented rates. There is also little tolerance for downtime that can make it impossible to access important information.
The term data protection is used to describe both the operational backup of data and business continuity/disaster recovery (BC/DR). Data protection strategies are evolving along two lines: data availability and data management.
Data availability ensures users have the data they need to conduct business even if the data is damaged or lost.
A key area on the data management side is data lifecycle management, which is the process of automating the movement of critical data to online and offline storage, and information lifecycle management, a comprehensive strategy for valuing, cataloging and protecting information assets from application and user errors, malware and virus attacks, machine failure, or facility outages and disruptions. More recently, data management has come to include finding ways to unlock business value from otherwise dormant copies of data for reporting, test/dev enablement, analytics and other purposes.
We at Got Your Six Cybersecurity can help you protect your data from loss, ex-filtration, damage and confidentiality compromise.